







巴安水务拥有奥地利卡瓦气浮公司(KWI)、巴安水务技术公司(SWT)、江苏巴安建设工程有限公司,控股德国ItN Nanovation AG(ItN)以及参股瑞士水务(AquaSwiss)。

SafBon Water Service (Holding) Inc., Shanghai,is a public listed company (Stock code: 300262). SafBon is an investor, planning, design, construction and service provider in environment and energy fields for the past twenty and more successful years. Our business covers four main sectors: industrial waste water treatment, municipal water treatment, solid waste treatment, gas regulator station and distributed energy. In all these sectors, we can provide full services ranging from technology research and development, system engineering, integration, installation and commissioning under the models of EPC, BT, BOT and PPP, etc. Over two decades of experience has shaped SafBon''s current business patterns and models, featuring diversified technical schemes, multiple product categories and various industrial applications. With the emerging needs of the Chinese and the global market, SafBon has made significant breakthroughs in dual water supply to central municipal area (potable water), sludge drying synergized with power generation, hazardous waste treatment.

Technology innovation has been the leading corporate strategy of SafBon. We have 75 national patents and 38 authorizations in China, We have made significant efforts in the industrialization and application of new or upgraded technologies. The technologies we have developed include advanced treatment of potable water, sea water desalination, thin film sludge drying, reclaimed waste water treatment, treatment of waste water with high concentration of refractory organics, high-tower condensate polishing, powdered resin condensate polishing, natural gas regulation, distributed energy, oil separation, lime milk production, microfiltration with fine diatomite and others.

Through a series of mergers and acquisitions of European and American enterprises, leading advanced environmental technologies and capabilities have been introduced to SafBon and have helped complete SafBon''s environmental value chain service offering. At present, SafBon has acquired KWI International Environmental Treatment GmbH, ItN Nanovation AG and America Engineering Water Services Co., Ltd, now named SafBon Water Technologies. Safbon is also the second largest shareholder of AquaSwiss AG. These innovative and leading enterprises bring new products, technologies, human talents and market channels to SafBon who is on a globalization mission. More details of these companies can be found in our organization structure.

  • 上海青浦区


  • 公司全称上海巴安水务股份有限公司
  • 法人代表王贤
  • 注册资本66976.6999万人民币
  • 成立时间1999-03-22
  • 企业类型股份有限公司(上市、自然人投资或控股)
  • 经营状态存续
  • 注册地址上海市青浦区章练塘路666号
  • 统一信用代码91310000631393648E
  • 经营范围环保水处理、污水处理、饮用水处理系统工程设计,咨询及设备安装、调试,销售水处理设备、城市污水处理设备、固废污泥处理设备、饮用水设备、中水回用系统设备、凝结水精处理设备、锅炉补水处理设备、含油废水处理设备、电气控制系统设备、自动化设备、阀门、泵、仪器仪表、化工产品(除危险品、监控、易制毒化学品,民用爆



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